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Art, society, psychology, anthropology, and all the stuff that makes people and societies tick.

man adjusting knot tie

The Power of Tie Knot Compels You

One of the easily forgotten categories of class that men should know is the tie knot. More specifically, the understanding of when and where...

Seafood Gumbo – A Cajun Delight

Hey folks! As this seafood gumbo article is my first time writing here, I want to give yall a little bit about me. My name...

Fun Fact Friday: Memorial Day – Remember Those Who Died

Many, if not most, people confuse Memorial Day and Veteran's day.  Some even confuse Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and Labor Day.  I can't count...
Peter pan statue somewhere

Man-Child: The Destroyer of True Masculinity

I want you guys to see if you know someone like this. Over the age of 30 and lives with his parents, has a...

Crypto Exchanges: Centralized vs. Decentralized

Unless you’ve been living on a remote island somewhere, you’ve probably heard of cryptocurrency. But you may not understand all the buzzwords associated with...

Backfire Effect: You’re Probably Angry Because You’re Wrong

We're chock full of cognitive biases. We covered how we're prone to believe things that aren't real just because they appear real. Knowing that fact...
picture of meat

A Better Man: 12 Days a Year Without Meat

Men love food One food type that men love more than anything is meat. While there is nothing wrong with putting meat on the table, as...

New Mobile App Helps You Avoid Feminists and SJWs

If you're like most sane, rational people, you probably find the SJW/ PC crowd tedious. It seems like militant feminists and social justice warriors...

Maybe Kaepernick Just Wants to Be a Good Human Being

I want to start this off with an apology. In my very first article on this site, I called former San Francisco 49ers quarterback,...
cooking over a flame

The Learning Man’s Chef: Cooking with Liquor

Booze! It's what makes the world go round. I've been tending bar on and off for almost ten years now. If I've learned one...
Honest Abe

Abraham Lincoln – Presidents Day 2018

Presidents Day, a day to honor all Presidents past and present. This Presidents Day we are honoring Abraham Lincoln. Teddy Roosevelt may have had...
Side dish grilling

The Learning Man’s Chef: Memorial Day Side Dishes

Memorial Day means a lot of things to a lot of people. The most important of which is remembering the lives of those given...

Man of the Month: Hal Moore and the Men of the 7th Cav

As young boys, we need role models to help evolve us into ass-kicking, potently reproductive alpha males.  But, who is there to show men...
The rough riders

Man of the Month – April – Teddy Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt is the Man We Need 100 Years Too Late No matter whose side you were on, this political season was a whirlwind. So,...

You Dress Like A Slob and MING Wants To Help

Throughout history, men's dress and appearance have changed and continued to evolve. Since all of us were not there in the cave-dwelling days, we can only...

Man of the Month – August – Crazy Ranulph Fiennes

They say age is just a number. Apparently, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, along with his propensity for general badassery, set out to prove that was...
memorial day grilling

The Learning Man’s Chef: Memorial Day Grills

Memorial Day means a lot of things to a lot of people. This weekend exists most importantly for remembering the lives of those given...

No-Strings-Attached Oral: The Magical Power

Unless your wife/ girlfriend/ significant other is one of those weirdos that hates receiving a tongue lashing (yes, they exist), the power of no-strings...

The Absurdity of Fat Acceptance

Here come the Social Justice Warriors with their fat acceptance. I can hear them marching in droves with their signs, their safe spaces, and...

Learning Man’s Chef: Couples Cooking

While every man should know how to fend for themselves, "couples cooking" is an even greater skill. If you've been paying attention at all,...

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